Day care facilities - approval of establishment and operation

General information

Day care facilities are facilities in which minors under the age of 16 are regularly being nurtured for part of the day, against payment, as long as they are not kindergartens, schools, dormitories or after-school care. The approval for establishment and operation of day care facilities is granted by the Bezirksverwaltungsbehörde responsible according to the location, by notice (Bescheid). A local inspection must be carried out before the permit is issued.

Required documents

The application for approval of the establishment and operation of a day care facility must contain in particular:

  1. social-educational Concept
  2. financial concept
  3. certificate of competence
  4. location-, construction plans, authorization
  5. business description
  6. building and use permit or notification of completion of the building project to the building authorities
  7. review findings


There is no time limit existing for this request.

Costs and fees

Eingabegebühr und Verwaltungsabgabe gemäß Gebührengesetz 1957, BGBl. Nr. 267/1957 i.d.g.F; NÖ Landes-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung 2001, LGBl. 3800/1 i.d.g.F.

Legal bases

§ 3 Abs. 1 NÖ Kinderbetreuungsgesetz in connection with the NÖ Tagesbetreuungsverordnung


  • Application at the Office of the Lower Austrian Government (Department: Kindergarten)
  • Checking of your documents
  • Eventual request for missing documents
  • Positive decision or letter with refusal




More information

Tasks and goals of a day care facility:

Day care must be carried out in cooperation with the parents as close to the family as possible, according to generally recognized scientific knowledge of education and according to the principles of non-violent upbringing. It must guarantee the best possible care, upbringing and education for minors, taking their individual needs into account as far as possible, while promoting the educational effect of the community.

Responsible department

Authentication and signature

Authentication or signature of the application is not required.

Means of redress or appeal

An appeal is possible against rulings issued by an authority and shall be filed by the party within a four weeks term with the authority that issued the ruling of first instance (against rulings without investigation procedure within a two weeks term). The term starts with the receipt of the written copy of the ruling, in the case of oral pronouncement simultaneously with it.

The appeal shall indicate the ruling it contests, the authority that issued the ruling and contain a motion of appeal with the reasons. No more appeal is admissible if the party expressly waived the right of appeal after receipt or pronouncement of the ruling.

Each ruling contains instructions on the right to appeal and indicates the authority and the deadline for submission of such appeal.

Assistance and problem-solving services

Point of single contact Niederösterreich

Last update


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