The Altfahrzeugeverordnung stipulates that notifications on the receipt of end-of-life vehicles and about the treatment and/or transfer of end-of-life vehicles and/or the wastes which have been generated in the course of the treatment must be transmitted electronically.
Persons subject to notification obligations
In the return and recovery chain of an end-of-life vehicle various actors, such as for example producers, importers, vehicle dealers, secondary raw material dealers and shredders can play a role. These stakeholders can, in turn, play one or several different roles.
In the Altfahrzeugeverordnung a distinction is made between the following roles:
- Producers
These are all those who present themselves as vehicle producers, by means of applying their names, their brands or identifying signs.
- Importers
These are all those who commercially import vehicles to Austria. (The import of more than five vehicles per calendar year by one person is, in any case, considered to be commercial).
- Collection and Recovery Systems for end-of-life vehicles
These are officially approved systems, which ensure the collection and recovery of those end-of life vehicles, for which the contracts with the producers and/or importers were concluded.
- Processors of end-of-life vehicles (also owners of shredder facilities)
These are all those operating a facility which serves to break up end-of-life vehicles into their components or to shred them (including for the purpose of producing immediately reusable metal scrap).
- Initial collector
This is the person who takes over end-of-life vehicles from a holder or keeper, who is not producer or importer or has already taken out parts for processing or recovery for commercial purposes, if this activity requires a permit according to the Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz.
- Points of generation of end-of-life and scrap components
These are all points which take over new or used vehicles for commercial purposes and where end-of–life vehicles subsequently result from it.
- Vehicle dealers
It can, for example, be at the same time repair shop, place of generation, collection point, initial collection centre and/or processor.
These respective roles entail different obligations, for example with respect to quota recording and to different notification requirements. It is thus of utmost importance when the notification is submitted to clarify, who submits the notification in which role.
The exact contents of the notifications shall be taken from the Altfahrzeugeverordnung.