The person, who intends to carry out or has carried out a shipment of waste subject to approval, is the notifying person. She/he must submit, prior to the transboundary shipment of wastes, a written notification.
The notifying person must conclude with the consignees of the waste on the occasion of the notification a contract on the recovery or disposal of the notified wastes. If the wastes are shipped between two establishments which can be assigned to one and the same legal person the contract can be replaced by a declaration of the legal person in which it commits itself to recycle or to dispose the notified wastes.
For every shipment of wastes subject to notification the notifying person must either deposit securities or conclude appropriate insurances.
They must cover the following:
- Transport costs
- the costs of recovery or of disposal, including any necessary interim operation, as well as
- Storage costs for 90 days
The securities or appropriate insurances are destined to cover the costs that might accrue, if a shipment, recovery or disposal cannot be concluded in the planned way or if a shipment, recovery or disposal has turned out to be illegal.
→ Respective samples on securities, liability insurances, and warrants of traders and/or brokers can be downloaded at the website of the BMK.
Shipment of "green" listed wastes
No approval is required for the shipment of wastes from the "Green list of wastes" within the EU as well as into the EU for purposes of recovery. The completed form in Annex VII to the Regulation (EC) on shipments of waste must be carried by the person who arranges the shipment.
An effective contract on the recovery of the wastes must be concluded between the person arranging for the shipment and the consignee right from the beginning of the shipment.
Exceptions: If wastes of the "Green List of Wastes" are contaminated in such a way that they show hazardous properties, a licence for the shipment must be applied for (notification procedure). Please ask the competent body in advance.
Please note
Documents and information in connection with shipments must be kept for at least seven years starting with the beginning of the shipment.