Kindergarten - withdrawal of dedicated use

General information

The cancellation of the dedication of buildings and real estate for kindergarten purposes must be reported to the Landesregierung. The Landesregierung can prohibit this measure within 3 months if the interests of the kindergarten are compromised.

Required documents

Site plan and floor plan



Costs and fees

Eingabegebühr und Verwaltungsabgabe gemäß Gebührengesetz 1957, BGBl. Nr. 267/1957 i.d.g.F; NÖ Landes-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung 2001, LGBl. 3800/1 i.d.g.F.

Legal bases

§ 15 Abs. 4 NÖ Kindergartengesetz 2006, LGBl. 5060 in der geltenden Fassung


On the basis of the notification by the kindergarten provider, the cancellation of the dedication is acknowledged or prohibited by notification.


Report (Anzeige) from the kindergarten provider


Antrag german only

More information


Responsible department

Authentication and signature

Authentication or signature of the application is not required.

Means of redress or appeal

An appeal is possible against rulings issued by an authority and shall be filed by the party within a four weeks term with the authority that issued the ruling of first instance (against rulings without investigation procedure within a two weeks term). The term starts with the receipt of the written copy of the ruling, in the case of oral pronouncement simultaneously with it.

The appeal shall indicate the ruling it contests, the authority that issued the ruling and contain a motion of appeal with the reasons. No more appeal is admissible if the party expressly waived the right of appeal after receipt or pronouncement of the ruling.

Each ruling contains instructions on the right to appeal and indicates the authority and the deadline for submission of such appeal.

Assistance and problem-solving services

Point of single contact Niederösterreich

Last update


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